Online Clinic

Nanobiotechnology Pte. Ltd Singapore

Professional in Health & Aging

Whatsapp: (+65) 81493040

WeChat : dr_t23

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For distributor from others countries, please contact :

Zalo: doctordony_SG

Viber: Dony Hendrawan Santoso dr
Skype Live: doctordonylee1965

Wechat: dr_t23

By email:
Whatsapp: (+65) 81493040 Or (+60) 1128750510

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Doctor Dony, the founder of nanotechnology company, is an Indonesian Chinese doctor, graduated from the famous Airlangga Medical University in Indonesia, has more than 20 years of medical experience, participates in various international medical forums every year, and specializes in pharmaceutical research. Donny's resume includes:

1986-1994 Medical Doctor graduated Airlangga University, Indonesia

1994-1997 Practice as a GP Hospital in Indonesia.

1997-2000 Roche Pharmaceutical (Roche pharmaceutical)

2000-2010 Practice as GP Clinic in Indonesia.

2010-2012 Tropical Disease Research Centre (TDRC), Indonesia Researcher

2010-2012 master of immunology, Airlangga University, Indonesia.

2014-2015 NUS (National University of Singapore) In tissue banking

2015-Present Immunology Society of Singapore

2015-Present stem cell society Singapore

2018-Present international society of sexual medicine

Nano Biotechnology
[Small and Powerful]

Nanotechnology is an emerging field, which has a significant impact on human health. Nanomaterials are expected to revolutionize medicine and are increasingly used in drug delivery or tissue engineering applications.

The main causes of impotence include:

1. Age

2. Lower testosterone

3. Prostate swelling

4. Hypertension

5. diabetes mellitus

6. High cholesterol

7. Long term use of other drugs

8. Alcohol

9. Psychological factors

10. Overweight

11. Long term smoking

12. Hypothyroidism

All Products

Pmax Size Oil

S$ 85

Yellow Macca

S$ 125

Red Macca

S$ 150

Black Macca

S$ 175

Pmax Delay Normal

S$ 200

Pmax Testo Normal

S$ 200

Pmax Strong Normal

S$ 200

Pmax Size Normal

S$ 200

Pmax Volume Normal

S$ 200

Nano Sleep

S$ 200

Nano Prostate Health

S$ 200

Nano Gluta Collagen

S$ 200

Nano Hair Grow(Set)

S$ 280

Genomic Size

S$ 300

Genomic Delay

S$ 300

Genomic Volume

S$ 300

Genomic Testo

S$ 300

Genomic Strong

S$ 300

Nano Blockage

S$ 300

Nano Immune Booster

S$ 300

Nano Pmax Size

S$ 300

Nano Pmax Strong

S$ 300

Nano Pmax Testo

S$ 300

Nano Pmax Volume

S$ 300

Nano Pmax Delay

S$ 300

Pmax Package Strong Normal

S$ 350

Pmax Package Size Normal

S$ 350

Nano Aging

S$ 400

Supercharge Package Normal

S$ 450

Superstrong Normal Package Volume

S$ 450

Supersize Normal Package  Delay

S$ 450

Superstrong Normal Package  Delay

S$ 450

Superstrong Normal Package  Size

S$ 450

Ultimate Package

S$ 500

Ultimate Package Delay

S$ 550

Ultimate Package Volume

S$ 550

Nano Pmax Strong
(Package 2)

S$ 550

Nano Pmax Size
(Package 2)

S$ 550

Nano Pmax Delay
(Package 2)

S$ 550

Nano Pmax Volume
(Package 2)

S$ 550

Nano Pmax Strong T
(Package 2)

S$ 550

Pmax Size With Oil
(Package 2)

S$ 600

Nano Supercharge Volume
(Package 3)

S$ 750

Nano Supercharge Delay
(Package 3)

S$ 750

Nano Supercharge Testo
(Package 3)

S$ 750